Monday, October 15, 2012

Strange Powers

I can make a grown man duck but I can't make him weave.

I don't know what it is about me that can make grown men duck when they see me coming.  I'm polite but I don't stand chewing people's ears off - anytime - when they're in a hurry or not.  Perhaps it's the opposite problem after all I'm not the greatest conversationalist in the world or even in my neighbourhood.  I find I have very little in common with those who surround me.  In fact I generally have very little in common with myself.  I know this because I don't often have interesting  discussions with myself - I spend more time in fight mode; shall I get up (stands up) what am I doing standing up (sits back down).  I find myself spending an increasing amount of time watching TV standing up and I don't know why...that's just the way it is I guess.

Anyway back to making grown men duck...
I was out walking my dogs when in a flick of an eye I saw my neighbour see me and duck behind his hedge.  Now this person is a super friendly...a person who says hello to everyone...just not me apparently.  I don't know, maybe he's seen me ducking from him....I'm not a super friendly, I'm more of a withdrawn.To me when I know someone is a withdrawn I seem to get pleasure out of saying hello to them.  I guess it's because I know I'm not going to be held up in the supermarket for hours by that person but I get to interact with them anyway.  Still to each his own and at least I know I have the power to make people I just need to learn the power to make them weave and I might get some awesome artwork out of them. 

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