Friday, May 14, 2010

Where's My Miracle!

If you have the sound up, most times it's unnecessary to be able to see the television to know what's going on. However, there are times when it is absolutely necessary to have the power of sight while watching TV.

An example of this occurred yesterday when, while my vision was otherwise occupied (I had my eyes closed - something I do a lot whilst watching TV), I just happened to hear that if you bought Jesus, you could get Moses for free.

Bargain! I don't know how much god's usually go for, but you know it's going to be a bargain when a Prophet is thrown in for free.

But wait there's more!

I waited for them to tell me what else I could get if I bought now. If they were selling Jesus and giving a Moses away for free, what else could they add. I held my breath. The clincher on this deal would have to be nothing short of a miracle.

When they told me I was crestfallen. They weren't throwing in a miracle, but merely discounting Jesus - they were taking a $1 off him. If I bought him 'now' he would only cost me $19.95. Still, not a bad price for a god (and the bonus Prophet of course).

I opened my eyes to see what magnificent shape Jesus took and woe-behold Jesus in a DVD case. Who knew he'd fit in one of those? They're tiny!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Should I be Worried?

Last night it was cold and so I snuggled under my feather doona while I watched a movie. I fell asleep and when I woke up I jumped on the computer to see what had been happening in the world while I had slept.

Feeling an itch on my shoulder I slid my icy hand beneath my shirt to scratch myself and sensing something beneath my shirt that shouldn't be there, I grabbed it. Withdrawing my hand, I sat staring at downy feather between my fingers.

Strange things had been reported throughout the night but what is stranger than the thought that I'm turning into a bird?