Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Investigating Ken & Barbie?

What sort of investigation is it to be if the inquiry is ambivalent towards corroborating evidence? Perhaps it carries the import of an investigation into the reasons behind Ken & Barbie's breakup.

When I asked the investigator about the ambivalence towards supporting evidence, I was told that it was done this way as a matter of fairness. Fairness to whom exactly? Wouldn't it be fairer to all concerned if what was said was backed up by evidence and wasn't just hearsay?

Being a government investigation, I understand there are a myriad of procedures to follow, but one would think the necessity for evidence would be paramount regardless.

Is this a bad omen? Is it indicative that justice isn't going to be served? I hope not.


  1. You're damn right it needs proper investigating! If Ken and Barbie can't make it, what hope do the rest of us have?

  2. You do realise Ken and Barbie split up don't you?
