Being 1500 feet in the air in the first MemphisMicrolight to arrive in Australia was a thrill I won't be forgetting in a hurry. I saw my locale from an eagles-eye persepective; I kept an eye out along the coast in case I saw any sharks or dolphins, checked out the local prison's farm to see if their vegetables were visible yet and yes, even had a peek at the river, creeks and tributaries.
However it wasn't all fun and prettiness from great heights - I also got to view the sewerage plant from a distance far closer than I really cared to, and the new suburbs that resembeled rabbits warrens. Oh, and how could anyone miss the ravages of mining and the slaughterhouse?
You gotta take the good with the bad, but flying in a Cheetah (pictured) has given me a new perspective; being in a 747 is just being in the air, being in a Cheetah is flying!
Sounds awesome! and yeah, how frightfully scarred the earth is from mining can only really be appreciated from the air!