Yesterday I followed a trail of blog links and found myself at a blog (which shall remain nameless) that spoke of
Domestic Discipline. Interested, I read on thinking I might be able to get some tips to make housework just that bit less dull. Sheesh, was I in for a rude shock!
For those of you that are blissfully ignorant to the nature of Domestic Discipline, let me enlighten you...
The initiated claim that Domestic Discipline is a 'tool' employed in relationships to improve behaviour (usually of the female [I read no cases of a male being disciplined in this manner, but then I didn't read extensively on the subject as what I
did read was enough to 'enlighten' me]). Domestic Discipline is a contract between both parties which states that when a certain 'behaviour' is acted out, the transgressor must be spanked.
The people that use this form of 'Domestic Discipline' go out of their way to emphasise that this spanking is not a form of BDSM or in any way erotica, and that it is strictly a form of
discipline. The discipline is meted out in a caring and loving (but not sexual) manner and is only allowed to be performed under the conditions set out by the contract (ie in the agreed upon place, when agreed upon bad behaviours are acted out). There are rules and regulations set out so that the woman must submit and even aid the husband to give the spanking and sex is not to take place directly after the punishment...and so it goes on.
To say the least, I was confused.
I don't know whether the participants are in a state of denial; refusing to admit they enjoy being spanked, or whether the denial is all part of the game. But from what I read, it is clear that despite the protestations that it is
in no way sexual, it is. It is a form of BDSM and this belief is borne out through the 'spanking-fantasies' that pepper the blogger's sites, the links and the 'complaints' that their partners are not delivering enough discipline.
In my opinion, if these people aren't adult enough to:
- Discipline themselves via mental means; and
- Admit they get enjoyment from it,
then they are not adult enough to be performing such acts without parental supervision.
The reality is, that personally I don't give a toss what consenting adults do behind closed doors, but I draw the line when they open the doors and invite people in, claiming the interior is something it's not.
I vote that there should be less kids that pretend to be adults and more adults that pretend to be kids.