Monday, October 15, 2012


I don't usually like reflecting on things because my reflections are usually quite ugly (and that's not just the mirror kind - who said that?) But of late I've allowed Hervor to drag me along on some of her reflections and they were so extreme that it caused me to review my own year.

Clearly it hasn't been as strange as Hervor's, and although I can't remember most of it, what I do recall has been strange enough. And for the greater part of it I lay the blame at Hervor's feet.

For the first time ever, Curtainman and I shared house with other people (ie Hervor and the Everlovin'). The arrangement lasted for several months and I think all four of us were not only astonished by the peculiar benefits (mainly, our eating became healthier - I think it was the vegetarian in our midst that did it) but by the fact that none of us wanted to commit murder - well if they did, they kept their weapons well hidden.

My sedentary lifestyle took another turn when the Little's and I began joining Hervor for her morning constitutional. This early morning walk has turned into a bit of an addiction - to the point where we are arising for a 4am start and will consider any walk up to 10kms. This coming from someone who thought exercise was rolling over in bed, is as close to a miracle as I'm ever likely to get.

The Little's love their morning constitutional to the point that they are willing to become the alarm if necessary. The trip from the bedroom to where they are harnessed gives them every opportunity to turn themselves inside out with tail-wagging, howling, joy

Note: This occured about 2 years ago but I just found the post and enjoyed the reflecting.Oh how things have changed since then,,,but that's another story.

Strange Powers

I can make a grown man duck but I can't make him weave.

I don't know what it is about me that can make grown men duck when they see me coming.  I'm polite but I don't stand chewing people's ears off - anytime - when they're in a hurry or not.  Perhaps it's the opposite problem after all I'm not the greatest conversationalist in the world or even in my neighbourhood.  I find I have very little in common with those who surround me.  In fact I generally have very little in common with myself.  I know this because I don't often have interesting  discussions with myself - I spend more time in fight mode; shall I get up (stands up) what am I doing standing up (sits back down).  I find myself spending an increasing amount of time watching TV standing up and I don't know why...that's just the way it is I guess.

Anyway back to making grown men duck...
I was out walking my dogs when in a flick of an eye I saw my neighbour see me and duck behind his hedge.  Now this person is a super friendly...a person who says hello to everyone...just not me apparently.  I don't know, maybe he's seen me ducking from him....I'm not a super friendly, I'm more of a withdrawn.To me when I know someone is a withdrawn I seem to get pleasure out of saying hello to them.  I guess it's because I know I'm not going to be held up in the supermarket for hours by that person but I get to interact with them anyway.  Still to each his own and at least I know I have the power to make people I just need to learn the power to make them weave and I might get some awesome artwork out of them.