A few days ago I decided that I didn't really need the torture that this years NaNoWriMo was providing for me so I pulled the plug. The relief was enormous and tainted only by the thought that I wasn't finishing it.
NaNo has always been about doing it for the fun, but I was not having fun this year. There have been nights when I have woken up thinking I have to write 5k words tomorrow because I hadn't written anything for the past 3 days because I was too tired. I wasn't satisfied with simply writing 50k, it had to be coherent - which goes against the very spirit of NaNo.
My failure here isn't the fact that I won't complete the 50k, but that I couldn't do what I was supposed to do and simply write; neither thinking nor caring about how good it would be. One idea of NaNo is not to go back over what you've written and get caught up editing. There was no doubt that this year I was doing it wrong and basically couldn't stop myself from imposing a rational string of cause and effect.
So today I am declaring officially that the plug has been pulled.